The Waypoint Foundation The Waypoint Foundation


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    Student Exchanges

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Activities We Sponsor | Student Exchanges

Growing up, every child in our family were the beneficiaries of the local Lion's Club student exchange program between the cities of Bellingham, Washington and Tateyama, Chiba, Japan.  These weeks we spent away from home in another country taught us valuable lessons in life.  Because of this and other experiences, we were better prepared to step forward and tackle other difficult challenges that were presented before us, including additional world travel, learning new languages, relating with people from different backgrounds and cultures, and many other situations.

Eventually, it is the goal of the Waypoint Foundation to also assist in if not sponsor an international student exchange program.  This is quite a lofty objective; it will take some time before we will be able to accomplish this.  However, this is one very important opportunity that we were given as youth, and the goal of the foundation is specifically to give back in ways we were given to as youth.

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The Waypoint Foundation is an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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