Useful Information | Library and Resources
Through the donations of members of our community, The Waypoint Foundation has accumulated some chess education and reference books in our library. These are books that would probably not be found in local libraries, and they are available to anyone (on a check-out/check-in basis) desiring to study the game. We also have chess supplies such as game boards and chess sets that have been donated for the purpose of distributing them to students who may not otherwise have chess equipment. These resources are free on a first-come, first-served basis.
The following is a list of the current books in the library:
Pawn Power in Chess, Hans Kmoch
The Complete Chess Course, Fred Reinfeld
200 Miniature Games of Chess, J. duMont
The Middle Game in Chess, Reuben Fine
Chess Master vs Chess Amateur, Dr. Max Euwe and Walter Meiden
Practical Chess Openings, Reuben Fine
Ideas Behind the Chess Openings, Reuben Fine
The Art of Sacrifice in Chess, Rudolf Spielmann
Chess Strategy and Tactics, Fred Reinfeld and Irving Chernev
Chess Strategy, Edward Lasker
My System, Aron Nimzovich
How to Win in the Chess Openings, I. A. Horowitz
Chess Secrets I Leared from the Masters, Edward Lasker
Sicilian Defence 1: Scheveningen Variation, Nikitin
New Ideas in Chess, Larry Evans
Evans on Chess, Larry Evans
Chess Traps, Pitfalls, and Swindles, I. A. Horowitz and Fred Reinfeld
Modern Ideas in Chess, Richard Reti
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